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Educational Gatherings

In this space I aim to create a safe space to talk about sexuality, relationships and love that will change our cultural views and through some somatic practices embody some of our talk.

We need to talk about sex more so we can start feeling comfortable bringing up the topic with friends and family. I know, it is not easy to talk about it when you don't have anything to say about it, or when we feel shame around it. But it is like anything, the more we practise the better we get at it.


For our children who are entering in their pre adolescent years and for adolescents themselves, the number one sex education they get comes from our non-verbal attitudes towards sex and our bodies. The number two is from the media which has embraced the role that we, as parents, educators have opted to let pass unseen. Not that we wanted it to be like this, but because we feel some shame, incompetency , or because there is a fear of not getting it right (as if there was such a thing), or maybe because it is just hard to talk about something that you haven't even felt. And here we go. In the best scenario we can get by and explain with words how babies are made, how to protect ourselves from getting life threatening diseases and usually and perhaps we will add how to protect ourselves from unwanted pregnancies. And we may talk about how girls bleed and sometimes, if brave enough, about arousal and ejaculation. 

So let's start practising with other adults and bring up the elephants in the room. Supported by somatic exercises that engage the whole of our brains . For example, how expanding our possibilities when we masturbate can rewire our relationship to sexuality; or learning to touch; or how to understand sexual issues through science.

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